Hello everybody, here i am again with another blog post. I am so sorry i have not been active lately, but that has been due to my busy daily schedule and i have really struggled a lot with time management. I am doing better now, that's why i thought summer is the best comeback, more posts are going to be published and a lot of cool stuff and collaborations are going to be announced. So, lets get back to today's article...i thought about writing some advises around skin care, what kind of moisturizers should we use on a daily basis, what is more efficient micelar water or cleanser and last but not least sun protection...why is it so important and when should it be used. Ever since i started taking care of my skin, I've felt more comfortable about wearing less make up. My routine has been simple and and quick but with great results to go on with my day. Right after I get up I splash my face with water just to get rid of anything on the surface of my skin and basica...